O&P Business CPO 3D Printing in O&P Technology


By Linda Calabria - Calibration Marketing LLC

What a show we had! Some even said it was the best show in nearly a decade, and while I can’t confirm nor deny this statement, I can say that the show floor stayed busy the whole time...until Saturday after lunch, of course. The 2024 woman of the year was announced, Sheryl Sachs, CPO, incredible workshops were held, and new products were unveiled.

This guide is intended to be a bit of a recap from the show floor at AOPA 2024. By no means will it be all encompassing, but hopefully it gives a small glimpse into some of the great technology out there today.

Additionally, a brand new Partial Hand Solutions Guide Book was launched during AOPA, and aims to begin to provide the needed resources and guidance to those suffering from partial hand loss.

~ your unofficial roving reporter, Linda Calabria.

Aether Biomedical

Well known for their Zeus hand, the Aether Biomedical team came to AOPA with their party shirts on, celebrating their favorite Paralympian brand ambassadors, Lizzi Smith and Sarai Moreno.

While one of the major benefits of the Zeus hand is their Aether Digital Platform which allows for true remote support, the thing they focused most on at AOPA was the repairability factor.

Their VP of Sales, Tom Cacciato shared, “We’ve reached a point that we can confidently say that the most important feature of Zeus is the 100% on-site repairability.”

There are more updates coming, and for those interested in hearing more about the Zeus Hand, you can watch our webinar with their CEO, Dhruv Agrawal.


This was the first official AOPA show for the newly finalized Genesis Hand. You can contact the team directly as they plan ahead for an end of year launch!

  • The key story with this hand is modularity and the ability to disassemble and reassemble The Genesis Hand in under 5 minutes
  • When ordered, you receive a box of components
  • The hand has a 15lb max load making it more of a low duty hand
  • Compliant fingers are a part of the designs allowing for easy grasping

Look for their one-page ad in the September issue of O&P Edge!




BionIT Labs

The new US team was present at AOPA! While the Adam’s Hand was launched to the US market in March of 2024 at the AAOP meeting, the US team has only come together in the last couple of months when Jeffrey Keeling and Gerry Stark, PhD, MSEM, CPO/L, FAAOP(D) joined BionIT in mid-summer.

  • One can select between a clear, black, or skin tone covering.
  • The hand has a 2 year warranty, which can be extended to 5 years per industry standards.
  • Something new that’s coming is a firmware update at the end of Q3, 2024 making the Adam’s Hand 20% faster & stronger. For those wondering, yes, it is field serviceable & IP-67 rated.

You can watch the Calibration Marketing webinar with CEO, Giovanni Zappatore, on youtube.

Bowman Medical International

I was thrilled to come across this booth as I had only seen this solution online, and even then, not in its full glory.

Bowman Medical offers a similar, yet different, partial hand solution to those missing a finger(s) or thumb. What was truly interesting to see was their weight activated break mechanism. No other partial hand solution locks in place, unless through a ratcheting type of motion. These locks can be activated by the residual finger, and they only let go when the tension is released. You must see the video to understand.

When fitting this solution, all the clinician needs to measure is the thickness of the residual finger making it easier to fit. The length is easily adjusted, and the solution is much more cost effective.





BrainRobotics was back and showcasing their Kneuro knee. After hearing rumblings, and actual feedback from users on the show floor, I can see this as a real contender in the MPK space.

A clinician talking to the team was surprised to hear that it only takes 4 hours to charge and the battery lasts 5 days!

The Kneuro knee is currently available directly through BrainRobotics at a very competitive price. A user I spoke with raved about the ease of use, stumble recovery, and how amazing it is to use the charger on the back of the knee to charge their cellphone. The other big advantage is that there is less energy expenditure when walking up stairs.

A question that also comes up with new products, is repairability and support. BrainRobotics has this covered by offering a full replacement, if anything goes wrong, which thus far they say they haven’t seen happen.


COAPT came to ignite AOPA, both through their booth design and messaging.

As THE technology synonymous with pattern recognition, COAPT came with a goal of focusing on changing the narrative on their technology.

While they have always been trying to simplify how one thinks of pattern recognition, likening it to an orchestra where all the different instruments come together, they wanted to emphasize that the users GET TO have the choice to personalize their prosthesis, rather than thinking they HAVE TO calibrate it.

As a great solution for both transradial and transhumeral users, the team wanted to reiterate that if the user has the appropriate insurance and ADL profile, there truly is no reason NOT to consider COAPT, especially since it’s compatible with all commercially available prosthetic hands on the market.





COVVI was back on the scene, and I was excited to see them. With three sizes and 4 colors, their sleek hands now include a newly reinforced glove. COVVI also now has a new cosmetic glove line made up of custom and high-definition options.

Their fingertips also have haptic feedback which results in vibratory feedback in the socket.

Elevate Movement

Elevate Movement is redefining what’s possible with drop foot. The latest news from the AOPA floor was that their new S Step is set to launch the first week of October and the Nord Ability liners are also stocked and ready to be delivered. The two entities announced their partnership while at AOPA.

The S Step is a game changer for those suffering from drop foot and is now available for pre-order! It is a fully adjustable, and comfortable, sock that a user can wear whenever needed. It provides foot and ankle positioning and stance stability.

Their Swift Custom AFO allows for height adjustability, has a trimmable foot plate allowing for customization, heat moldable cuff, and a strap which can be trimmed to the right length. All of this is intended to optimize the foot and evolve with the user, resulting in drastically reduced wait times in getting the user the right solution. Patients can now experience quicker improved mobility, enhancing their overall quality of life and optimizing their outlook for recovery.

To hear more about these two products, the Elevate Movement mission, vision, and what’s coming next, take a look at our webinar which launched before AOPA.




Fior & Gentz

One of the main take aways the team shared with me is that Fior & Gentz is here to stay and is the one stop solution for AFO, KFO, as well as being the first ankle joint adaptive with microprocessor controlled hydraulics.

Össur looks to offer central fabrication for custom orthotics and the acquisition of Fior & Gentz allows them to enter the neuro orthotics space.

Fior & Gentz looks to simplify an orthotists business model and patient journey by offering custom orthotics.

Hexa Flex Arm

Hexa Flex Arm took me by total surprise. The founder of the company, Jason Morris came to me after the team at biodesigns put us in touch.

Jason Morris, the creator of the Hexa-Flex Modular Prosthetic Arm System, came up with the solution after being dissatisfied with the options available for above-elbow amputees, which he himself became following a traumatic wood grinder accident.

He shares, “I developed the Hexa-Flex Arm because many amputees cannot afford the expensive myoelectric arms currently available, and even those advanced arms come with limitations. My goal was to design something that is strong, lightweight, affordable, and adaptable for a wide range of activities…using my body-powered arm to ride a bike was always problematic due to the limited angles at which I could position my elbow and wrist joints. I was [also]reluctant to use my $180,000 myoelectric arm for tasks like cutting wood on a table saw, fearing that an unintended movement could not only destroy the prosthetic but also potentially cause another serious injury. After facing numerous challenges with my current prosthetics, I set out to design something that truly met my needs and aspirations and after months of development and countless prototypes, the Hexa-Flex Modular Prosthetic Arm was born.”

Take a look on his website to see all the various angles the user now has access to via the Hexa Flex Prosthetic Arm & reach out to Jason directly for updates on when it will be ready for purchase.

  • Intended for transradial, transhumeral, and shoulder disarticulate users
  • Will be available with a variety of adapters & different forearm lengths
  • Less than $2,000
  • Manufactured in house
  • 3D printed aluminum with internal pins
  • Waterproof, but not ideal in saltwater




The team from IBT was showcasing their Glide system which truly blew me away when I used it. Glide can use 2 to 8 electrodes to control almost every hand, wrist, and elbow on the market.

With the help of slices being moved in, out, and side to side, a user is really easily able to set up the gestures they need. The real game changer is that the user doesn’t need to go to a “neutral” or “open” setting before going into another grip.

The adjustability is truly top notch, the map is personalized, and remote adjustability is available as well.

Koalaa Soft Prosthetics

You can’t miss this booth with their purple balloon arch! I was able to see the new Sarah Pro, “a revolutionary prosthetic tool developed in collaboration with elite cyclists. Designed for below elbow and through wrist users, it's set to redefine your cycling performance.”

The team at Koalaa has made a wrist unit that can twist and can be fixed in place at any of the positions you twist it to.

They also showed me the Nicole Pro, intended for yoga. The Joanie tennis specific prosthesis was purchased right there on the spot by a friend who is also an Amputee Coalition peer support champion. She shared that she hadn’t played tennis in a decade and was really excited to start back up now that she can throw a ball again!

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Levitate showed off their running blades, feet, and quick-change system. The blade and feet are made of fiberglass, and the quick-change system allows for easy swapping between both. Levitate offers an affordable, and modular, system for K3 and K4 ambulators.

They also recently partnered up with Amparo to help those in need in Ukraine.

Limb Lab

I was able to meet with Brandon Sampson, CP of Limb Lab. Brandon is the co-founder of Limb Lab. The team has really been growing and is in search of more talented clinicians.

For those unfamiliar with the team, Limb Lab is an independently owned and operated prosthetic and orthotic company that provides personal, creative, and cutting-edge solutions to the functional challenges of limb loss and injury.

They provide a wide range of orthotic & prosthetic services and can be found in the following states – AZ, MN, WI, NE, & IA.

Limber Prosthetics

This one wasn’t even on my radar until I ran into a user and loved her unique socket. When I asked her what I was looking at she shared, “This was supposed to be my swim leg, but I love it so much that I wear it all the time!”

The Unileg is a 3D printed leg, all in one piece, and their website states that it is “The World’s Most Comfortable, Durable, and Accessible 3D Printed Below Knee Prosthesis.​”

Honorable mention - Limbguard

This is a booth I truly intended to stop by and simply ran out of time, so here they are as an honorable mention.

Limbguard does exactly what the name says, guards the limb. “Prosthetists Michael Astilla and Laura Riedel designed and patented (#8679193) Limbguard™ for their practice after witnessing the affects of delayed prosthetic care, non-compliance, confused hospital staff , and lost relationships.

Early intervention through post-op limb protections benefits everyone. Patients reduce the risk of limb injury while helping the residual limb to reduce volume and stabilize its pre-fitting shape. Getting the patient mentally 'on board' from day 1 sets the stage for a successful prosthetic rehabilitation.”

Take a look at their wide range of products on their website!

Lindhe Xtend

Lindhe Xtend started with their founder, Christoffer Lindhe, who as a triple amputee couldn’t find the right solution as an active Swede. He searched for feet that would allow him to easily traverse different terrains, and that’s when the original Xtend Foot was born.

At AOPA, they were showcasing their new Trenne foot, which has some new dampening technology included in it, and allows for an even greater degree of motion. The increased lateral mobility makes walking easy, from the very first step to a full hike.

The Lindhe Xtend suite of feet offers the ability for better ground compliance, and while other feet make this possible at the ankle, the Lindhe Xtend feet make it a more anatomical experience.

The Xtend Connect, quick change, product is also unique in that it has a dual safety measure. This solution can replace existing components, which results in less build height, and is also a self-contained unit, which prevents the user from losing any keys or pins.




Martin Bionics

The team sent to AOPA was having a blast, and one of their brand ambassadors, Chase, truly educated me on what the game changers were for him with the Socket-less Socket, “I don’t feel like my leg is in a bucket!” Chase remarked.

The Socket-less Socket allows you to tighten the areas that need it. Their website states, “Rigid encapsulated sockets are uncomfortable – so we re-invented them from the ground up. No more static socket shape or trapped heat. You’ll be amazed and the difference in comfort and quality of life the Socket-less Socket’s™ ultra-conforming materials provide compared to a static rigid socket.”

The team also talked a great deal about the support they offer to the clinician they may be working with, sharing that it all starts with a traditional test socket which is sent to their Oklahoma City location. Often, all it takes is one version before going to the definitive but if needed, modifications can be made to ensure proper fit. The L5783 code is used for reimbursement.





Metacarpal, who recently got some additional funding, was learning more about the US O&P industry while gathering feedback on their new mechanical hand. While it works like any body powered device, the individual fingers provide more capability to the user. Keep an eye out for this soon to be released solution.

MOZN Solutions

MOZN Solutions was started by Jessica Norrell, who has over 20 years of experience in O&P. The mission behind the company is to improve how O&P clinics run, and help them through support services such as onboarding, process improvement, ERP system implementation, and insurance contracting to name a few.

Two of the main areas of interest during AOPA seemed to be insurance contracting & re-negotiations, which you can hear more about in our webinar, and overall process improvements.

After having been to over 200 clinics, the team at MOZN has seen it all and really gets into the weeds with you, and helps you grow!

Naked Prosthetics

Naked Prosthetics is happy to share that they now allow for personalization of their devices via color & texture.

User feedback has also led to improved durability, which is reflected in the updated fasteners, as well as the new “diamond like” carbon coating that is available for personalizing each device to the user.

NuTech Synergies

NuTech Synergies is a tech accelerator making a mark in the O&P industry. They celebrated their one-year AOPA anniversary by inviting 5 of their 7 Technology Partners to attend. Attendees got to take part in some hands-on experiences with product demos from both Amparo and TRAZER where one got to see the direct-fit socket and movement based activity tracker in action.

NuTech Synergies focuses on innovative technologies and provides them with a team of skilled individuals who come from a clinical, research, sales, marketing, reimbursement, and start up background. This allows these new companies to play with the big dogs in the US O&P market.

With outcome measures being talked about more and more, technologies like the Motio Stepwatch from Adapttech, as well as the TRAZER system allow for easy monitoring of a patient and offer not only useful metrics but also a way to see progress and provide better care. You can learn more about the five technologies that were in the NuTech Synergies booth here:

Our webinar with NuTech Synergies is coming up on October 3rd, so make sure to keep an eye out for it.




O&P Foundation

This was the first AOPA meeting for the O&P Foundation which was formed in 2022 when the Orthotic and Prosthetic Education and Research Foundation (OPERF) merged with the Center for Orthotic and Prosthetic Learning and Outcomes/Evidence-Based Practice (COPL). The foundation recently recognized Don Katz with a service award for his decade of service to OPERF and with his critical role in the merger that led to the creation of the O&P Foundation.

Having recently announced their 2024-2025 Board of Directors, the O&P Foundation is truly beginning to make some strides in the industry.


Covering both upper and lower limb prosthetics, Össur showed off their new Pro-Flex Terra foot and some new updates to the i-Limb suite of hands.

The new Terra foot was a marvel to see in action, but here are a few features and benefits, as listed on the website:

  • Increased flexibility provides greater range of motion
  • Provides a neutral range during midstance by allowing the point of contact to move as weight shifts from heel to toe
  • Provides multi-axial rotation for better ground adaptation
  • Provides progressive stiffness across a range of impact levels
  • Increased dampening at higher walking speeds

You can also sign up for their upcoming launch webinar on October, 18th.

As for the i-Limb hands, small changes make a difference. While we all await any larger updates, the user can now customize their i-Limb with new covers and show it off through a brand-new clear glove. The digits on the i-Limb Ultra and i-Limb Quantum now come in titanium silver as a standard. For those interested in the i-Digits product line, give our partial hand webinar a listen.





Following my webinar with Cameron Massengale, I was able to see the new Skeo Up Daily Assist device which will be launching in Q4, 2024.

This upper limb prosthetic device is going to be available in 5 different sizes and can be cut to various lengths. The clamping tool/adapter allows for easy use of daily devices such as a toothbrush, razor, etc. It is truly intended to be something a user can have access to either in conjunction with their other prostheses, or while waiting for a prosthesis.

Point Designs

I got to see a really unique product called the Point Pivot+ which is a thumb that moves in all directions on a ratchet type system.

The Point Designs website describes it as “The Point Pivot+ is a dynamic mounting system that provides additional degrees of freedom to the Point Thumb. As a replacement to the standard mounting system for the Point Thumb, the Point Pivot+ provides many functional benefits to the patient. It allows the Point Thumb to be moved from an oppositional position to a lateral position. Additionally, it enables rotation of the flexion/extension plane of the Point Thumb, allowing for a greater number of achievable hand grasps.” Make sure to watch the video to see it in action.

I also saw a 3D printed shoulder disarticulation prosthesis frame and a socket.

When talking to a brand ambassador, she shared how she has had a number of different frames from Point Designs, but the 3D printed frame with a rolled silicone interface, is like nothing she has had before.

Take a look at their products online and see for yourself!





While Psyonic has been around for a few years, it really got some attention when they appeared on Shark Tank at the beginning of 2024. Always focusing on their durability and speed, it was exciting to be reminded of the fact that the Ability Hand doesn’t just come in the color black. It can be customized to the user.

The team out of San Diego has also been focusing on improving the internals and strengthening them, such as refining the drive train for the finger motors and other mechanical components.

To hear their CEO and founder, Aadeel Akhtar share more about the Ability Hand, view our webinar.







Yes, TASKA did unveil their CX medium hand, but the team shared that what people were most excited about was that they now offered remote configuration!

The new CX hands are lighter and stronger and have capacitive touch on all 5 fingers. One user shared with me, “I am a congenital user, and I have lived all my life using only ETD hooks and body powered devices. It wasn’t until my clinician introduced me to the TASKA hand that I really saw the benefit of having a myoelectric prosthetic hand. Now I can’t wait to get the smaller size!”

Same name, two different knees

I also had the pleasure of running into two great guys named Ray who were both at AOPA as part of the One Source/Bionic P&O team. They may have had the same name, but they were wearing different MPKs. One from BrainRobotics, the other from BionicM.

Both told me how much they like both products and how easy they are to use, “It takes some getting used to when transitioning from other knees I’ve worn, because you don’t need to exert as much effort.”

One of the Rays was also wearing the Quatro Adjustable 3D Printed socket from Quorum which allowed for a lot of flexibility for him throughout the day. “I can adjust it if I feel like I need to tighten it or make it looser, depending on what I need.”

Woman of the Year Award

Congratulations to all the finalists and a special hip hip hooray to to Dankmeyer’s Sheryl Sachs, CPO!

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Thousands of Gaza amputees to get rapid prosthetic limbs using UK tech

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Brain-Controlled Prosthetic Limbs Take Another Step Forward

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