O&P Business

Only 10 out of 75 O&P Schools in IMEA are accredited by ISPO. Does it matter?

Only 10 of the 75 Orthotic & Prosthetic Schools across IMEA have been accredited by ISPO but what does ISPO accreditation mean?

Afghanistan ICRC Kabul ISPO
Bangladesh Bangladesh Health Professionals Institute Savar ISPO
India Mobility India Bengaluru ISPO
Iraq Erbil Polytechnic University Erbil ISPO
Pakistan Pakistan Institute of Prosthetic & Orthotic Services Peshawar ISPO
Rwanda University of Rwanda Kigali ISPO
South Africa Tshwane University of Technology Pretoria ISPO
Tanzania Tanzania Traning Center for Orthopaedic Technologists Moshi ISPO
Togo Ecole Nationale Des Auxillaires Medicaux De Lome Lome ISPO
Yemen San'aa University San'aa ISPO

For a complete list of all 75 Schools click here

ISPO welcomes applications from schools/organisations that deliver prosthetic and orthotic training programmes for the following professions:

  • Prosthetist/Orthotist
  • Associate Prosthetist/Orthotist
  • Prosthetic/Orthotic Technicians

ISPO accreditation is sought voluntarily by a prosthetic and orthotic training programme to validate against the existing ISPO Education Standards.

Why it is important? Often a sign of good management, accreditation helps identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement based on a series of standards. Often, there is no law requiring accreditation, rather accreditation is an opportunity to seek and secure validation by a recognised external body (ISPO Education Committee) comprised of expert peers.



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