CPO of the Week

CPO of the week: Anmol Khandelwal from Jabalpur, India


Studied O&P Class of 2018 at PDUNIPPD, Delhi. CPO & Founder of Rombus

What do you claim is your speciality - your O&P passion?

My speciality is in Orthotics. Most of my experience is working with pediatric users to provide them with optimal orthotic solutions.

What do you like most about practicing O&P?

Apart from the fact that we're able to make daily activities a bit easier for the users, I like the fact that every case is unique and therefore there is no one-fits-all solution.

What frustrates you about O&P?

In India, there is no insurance component attached to the services and therefore the solutions to a large extent are dependent on the economic condition of the users so limited to what they can afford instead of what should be the best fit.

What is your greatest patient story in O&P?

Not the greatest, but the most memorable one to me is my first case as a professional- created B\L SMO for a 12 year old boy, he had severely pronated gait. As soon as he put on the SMO and walked, there was a huge difference in the gait and his parents literally lit up.

How do you build rapport with patients in your care?

Nothing special, just greet with a smile and strike up a conversation with them. If it's a child sort of let them play with a sample product to get them familiarised with it, and try and address every small concern they might have about the device. Never seen them get impatient/upset after this (at least not the adults)


If you would like to be our CPO of the week please email hs@deliberate.ae

The Editor

CPO of the Week: Addis Zena from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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