CPO of the Week

CPO of the Week:  Mamata Bhuyan from Bengaluru, India

Graduated from Swami Vivekanand National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research (SVNIRTAR) in Odisha in 2021. I am currently working with Limbkraft in Bangalore.  

What is your greatest patient story in O&P? 
When I designed and fabricated a reciprocating gait orthothis for a paraplegic patient. The whole family were so happy with the result.
What do you claim is your speciality - your O&P passion?

Fabrication of Prosthetics, specifically lower limb prosthetics and using mhy hands to create solutions. 

What do you like most about practising O&P?

Planning a solution with a patientand then fabricating for the best fit and seeing the outcome at the end. 

What frustrates you about O&P?Nothing frustrates me, I find every day very interesting.
How do you build rapport with patients in your care?
I like to think I have good communicationn skills and I work hard to make sure that the patient understands what is happening and what will happen.
The Editor

CPO of the Week:  Aftab Ahmad from Rawalpindi, Pakistan

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CPO of the Week:  John Bosco from Kampala, Uganda

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